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Susan Horowitz is an artist/curator whose L.A. projects developed as a visual, literary + historical search to comprehend this extraordinary modern urban terrain of nature + architecture. Projects featuring the L.A. River, Olmsted Plan, Griffith Park, Franklin Canyon, L.A. neighborhoods + the architecture of Wright, Neutra, Schindler, Gehry, Mayne, etc. + subsequent projects reflecting an international focus on urbanization can be viewed at
The Ben-Ami Shulman project emerged from research related to a 2011-2012 international project PERSPECTIVES/THE WHITE CITY, a photographic examination of the White City of Tel Aviv with collaborator/artist Carol Bishop. Ironically the research for this project led to the discovery that one of the noted White City architects Ben-Ami Shulman, had emigrated to L.A. The international project about rediscovered, significant modernist architecture + architects directed me back to an L.A. project. It was my expectation that the project might be a key to further understanding of the architectural diversity of L.A. This project is an exploration of Shulman, while working in obscurity + avidly following current California architecture, may have adapted his modernist style to L.A. The results represent an unusual facet to the history of L.A. architecture.